Well, this first part is for the Murphy's in Am. Sam.
We have wild dogs here. They do follow you. but they are not viscous. The exact opposite really. If they ever see you when you're walking they will follow you forever. In fact, our first night we had 7 dogs sitting outside the Artemis Hotel. I happen to like them. Except for the fact they probably are caring every disease and flea or tick a dog can, they are cute and they protect us. If only Speedbump were here. What a dog. I like Nike and Titus too.
Well, we have done a lot in the past few days. We went to the Temple of Poseidon and watched the sunset. It was majestic!! Really cool how this thing is still standing! I have pictures put up on facebook. Let me know if you can't see them there.
Yesterday we went to Athens for the day. It was flippin busy. And I went into a bakery with a friend and some woman pushed us out of the way (at different times). I was trying to get out of the way but it was small in there. I don't understand why they like hard bread. I love soft bread. Not a fan.
Then we walked around and saw a Greek Orthodox church which was beautiful inside. I snuck some pictures. And I lit a prayer candle, it felt right. I think i was supposed to pay. I didn't realize it until later. I'll pay next sunday.
As we walked around the streets I saw a painting I wanted to have so I bought it. Go me.
There was this sandal maker everyone was talking about and so we checked him out also. His father made shoes for John Lennon, Barbara Streishand, Jackie O., and Susan Luchie (whoever she was). Sparky will probably kill me for not know her name, since she's a old movies fanatic. Sorry kid.
We went to church at 6pm because the other launguages were during the rest of the day. We had a Bulgarian who did not speak English lead us in songs. I laughed sometimes. For the prayer, one of our guys said it in English, Tony said it in Persian, _____ said it in Egyptian, and _____ said it in Bulgarian, and then finally I forgot his name said it in Greek. And that was our prayer. It was neat listening to the languages. The preacher half the time went off telling stories but it was a good sermon. Good experience.
My roommate and I were chosen randomly to be roomies and we found out we were born on the same day and both of our favorite movie is Ever After. Lucky for us. When we can't sleep at night we watch it on my computer until we fall asleep. So now, the movie's permanent spot is my disc drive. I love it! Tonight will make it night number 3.
OH! I almost forgot to tell you that there is a jewelry store here whose owners help out Harding students with whatever they need. They are very nice people. I wanted to look at their stuff so I did. At one point, a ring got stuck on my finger and Chris the owner told his wife Valerie to get out the windex and spray it on my finger. I thought it was so funny, so did Amy. It reminded us of the crazy father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. She was laughing and I almost did. I kept my cool. Word.
Talk to you later!